Your comments

I have no favorites to be honest, I think every "logical" movement has its place but I am a huge fan of mostly closed chain movements and don't do many open chain movements anymore.

Diet is a HORRIBLE thing. A healthy lifestyle is key. There is no break from a healthy lifestyle. You should be training hard as is, regardless of diet cycle. A good lifestyle plan is at . This is based on this information as I am not sure how low your calories truly are.

Unless prescribed by your doctor, I recommend NOT using steroids

I personally prefer MTS Whey + Carb 10, but if YOU perform best with that, game on! If over 30g carbs, add this for a sick nutrient partitioning pump:

It will help control your stomach by being able to "suck it in", but bodyfat dictates abs and genetics dictates waist size. See this:

It is actually a mess! Can be 30% to 90% whey--just a scam protein in most of the applications it is used in and a marketing gimmick. This is why I believe a quality isolate/concentrate blend like MTS Nutrition Machine Whey is superior to.....everything!

I think it can help a lot! Try some of these movements before training for a great, injury-preventing warmup into a workout!

If you enjoy it, and train better with it, do it! Just be sure to have 2 scoops machine fuel INTRA and post rock out Machine Whey, Carb 10 and Overtraining Solution. It's all about how YOU feel best training

There are, but see the newest Q&A:

Everyone should use it for immune health and recovery. While the state of overtraining is nearly impossible to reach, speeding recovery and promoting immune health and nutrient absorption will help you recover faster to reach your goals and train harder!