
Fasted training while in a surplus

Devin 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

Hello Marc...I know you are not a fan of fasted training but do you think there are any downsides or benefits to training while fasted if you are in a calorie surplus? If a person works out in the morning and has a large meal just before going to bed, would not eating before the workout the next day hinder a person's capability to make progress in the gym? If a person were to follow this style of training, would you recommend taking BCAAs during the workout after taking their pre-workout like Clash? Thank you for your time



If you enjoy it, and train better with it, do it! Just be sure to have 2 scoops machine fuel INTRA and post rock out Machine Whey, Carb 10 and Overtraining Solution. It's all about how YOU feel best training


If you enjoy it, and train better with it, do it! Just be sure to have 2 scoops machine fuel INTRA and post rock out Machine Whey, Carb 10 and Overtraining Solution. It's all about how YOU feel best training