Your comments
Fat is a great energy source, the brain LOVES fat, and it is satiating!
I love it--improves blood flow, works out fascia since it is malleable, and is relaxing. I highly recommend it 1-2x a month as often as you can afford
Nope--genetic insertions cannot be changed. All you can do is train it hard and make it grow! Here is a good program!
Ab training is all about CORE! Goblet squats, planks and other functional movements. I do not believe crunches do much. Train them daily if you'd like--I do this with my squat everyday program seen here:
You should never have to purposely train abs. Your CORE lifts like deadlift and squat are more than enough!
The key is, don't nag her! She needs to want to do it. Invite her to train with you. If she doesn't want her, SUPPORT THAT! Trying to force her into your way of life will only drive you apart!
It just depends on the person! As you progress, you adapt to higher volumes. But there is no one size fits all for training. Here is a GREAT 4 day a week program with overload built in:
AWESOME WORK! You need to adjust your calories to lose. See You might need to break out a food scale to be accurate!
You are at 145 for 6....Go to 155 and hit 4 reps and do it until you can get 6. Once you get 6, go to 155...and so on. You have to alter things
Absolutely! Take DURING training to help build muscle and burn fat. Free form act much different than bonded when taken intraworkout. Consume 2 scoops Machine Fuel during training!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Agreed with Wes. As for belt, if using it, cinch it up! The reason it is there is to provide intra-abdominal pressure. So either wear it right or don't wear it