Your comments

It would have for sure! Things always progress and the next move was BIGGER for bodybuilding!

Or just don't do either and do things like planks, goblet squats and deadlifts!

All I do is omit my post workout shake of MTS Wheyt and Carb 10--that is all!

Hey Sir,

This is not something that I am versed in

My general rule of thumb is to stat bulking under 8% body fat and stop bulking at 15% body fat

You should lose fat! See If you eat in a surplus, you will get fatter

One movement has been show to increase speed....HEX BAR DEADLIFTS. Combine this with skill training and unilateral movements and you will have a great base. Then add in moves for hypertrophy

Most pre workouts are calorie free. BUT, BCAA do contain calories but since they are a constant variable, I don't bother

I REALLY need to get my exos series for no equipment done!

For now, really, P90X ain't bad!