Your comments

It's all an illusion, I don't think it matters! Look at Dexter Jackson's calves...

For football players and athletes, this can decrease risk of injury. But yes, training your neck can lead to a stronger neck...of course!

Newbie gains! When people are not in shape, they have beginner gains. The longer you've been training, the harder it is to make gains.

It is possible, yet not optimal. If losing fat train hard and intense just as if bulking. But carbs are not 100% necessary for lean mass gain. They are not essential

Low body fat and development isn't always 100% correlated to strength. Just like some of the best athletes aren't the most lean and muscular appearing and why Powerlifters don't look like bodybuilders (usually)

The only goal is to help people with information like this and also to keep innovating supplements to help people reach their goals. With those in mind in 5 years we will be the dominant force in the industry.

I really think it will stay the same, and with the countless, silly divisions now, the "main" bodybuilding category will keep growing and growing (in size, not exposure)

1) Drop at the hips, don't bend at the knees

2) Start with Goblet squats to get the form

3) Chest out, display the logo on your chest

4) Go below parallel

5) Squat DAILY!

I consider protein food, so we are going with HEALTH and with that I choose Machine Greens + Multi!