
Help! How can I get my girlfriend more into fitness?

Kevin E 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

She keeps complaining about gaining weight but does not listen to me when I suggest what to do. I love fitness and so I teach her all I know. I take her to the gym with me but she is just not into it. We have tried running, hiking, you name it and she just wishes she can lose weight without work. Anything maybe I haven't thought of would be great. We will be trying kickboxing next week, hopefully she likes kicking and punching... Thanks.



The key is, don't nag her! She needs to want to do it. Invite her to train with you. If she doesn't want her, SUPPORT THAT! Trying to force her into your way of life will only drive you apart!


The key is, don't nag her! She needs to want to do it. Invite her to train with you. If she doesn't want her, SUPPORT THAT! Trying to force her into your way of life will only drive you apart!