
Long term dieting

Matt W 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

What are your thoughts on long term dieting? Currently I've been dieting for a little over two years staying in a small but reasonable deficit loosing around 5-8 lbs a month. Currently I'm sitting around 220 lbs from my previous 376 at my heaviest with a goal weight of around 180lbs. My question is should I ride out my diet until I reach my goal weight? Or would it be beneficial for me to take a break from it and focus on trying to add some muscle so I could shoot for a slightly higher goal weight? I have been doing a upper, lower, push, pull an legs 5 day split the past year and a half of my diet.



Diet is a HORRIBLE thing. A healthy lifestyle is key. There is no break from a healthy lifestyle. You should be training hard as is, regardless of diet cycle. A good lifestyle plan is at www.dropfactorbook.com . This is based on this information as I am not sure how low your calories truly are.


Diet is a HORRIBLE thing. A healthy lifestyle is key. There is no break from a healthy lifestyle. You should be training hard as is, regardless of diet cycle. A good lifestyle plan is at www.dropfactorbook.com . This is based on this information as I am not sure how low your calories truly are.