
Over training or not

doberman957 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

Marc, you advocate that over training is nearly impossible to accomplish for the regular person, novice, or immediate weight lifter, but you also advocate using Ambrosia's Over Training Solution.  Could you please elaborate on whether an "Average Joe Lifter" should use that product for any beneficial needs, gains, or etc.if they truly won't ever reach the true state of over training.  Thank you for your time.



Everyone should use it for immune health and recovery. While the state of overtraining is nearly impossible to reach, speeding recovery and promoting immune health and nutrient absorption will help you recover faster to reach your goals and train harder!


Everyone should use it for immune health and recovery. While the state of overtraining is nearly impossible to reach, speeding recovery and promoting immune health and nutrient absorption will help you recover faster to reach your goals and train harder!