Your comments

I feel it will help a LOT! Stack Insurgent and Barracuda!

It doesn't, that's a misguided thought. Carbs are biphasic with the insulin response, where as protein is acute, NOT the same! I don't believe in insulin spikes, but I like CARBS and fast repletion, hence why I recommend Carb 10:

Work on mobility and some good deep tissue work in the area might help. Working the mobility of the shoulder with something like this:

I don't think teeth are an issue, but I also don't see this doing much for fat loss

I would see a movement specialist. I recommend Dr. Stuart Hui in Elgin, IL. Sounds like it COULD be a nerve issue which I would go to a specialist to fix.

YES! I am designing the program now but for training rely mostly on CLOSED CHAIN!

Just drink more water and keep a bottle on you...simple as that!

It does! It's a primal movement. Squat well, you move well!

If you can lose weight without the cardio, construction is VERY demanding!

The best bet is to lose fat then lean bulk. 

Use this until at under 8% bodyfat:

Use this to gain LEAN mass:

Let me know how this works!