
Raised shoulder

James Lashomb 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

hey Mark. I've been lifting for about 4years now. I've always had a raised right shoulder due to wearing a heavy backpack on 1 arm for years. 

I hurt my rhomboid right below my left shoulder blade while lowering a heavy deadlift. My back has been in spasm for a month and doctors found nothing through mri. They also did an emg test on my left side which was fine. 

My right bicep has always had less of a mindmuscle connection, as well as my right triceps and lat. 

I can't even feel a stretch in my right trap anymore. 

Do you think the back pain and lack of feeling all translate back to the tight trap?

Dumbass doctors kept looking at xrays of my left shoulder. 



I would see a movement specialist. I recommend Dr. Stuart Hui in Elgin, IL. Sounds like it COULD be a nerve issue which I would go to a specialist to fix.


I would see a movement specialist. I recommend Dr. Stuart Hui in Elgin, IL. Sounds like it COULD be a nerve issue which I would go to a specialist to fix.