
Dextrose & Protein

Jason 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

If protein causes an insulin spike the same way dextrose does, isn't dextrose a good fast carb to take post workout? I keep hearing you don't want an insulin spike after working out because of the after crash. But wouldn't this happen by taking protein alone?



It doesn't, that's a misguided thought. Carbs are biphasic with the insulin response, where as protein is acute, NOT the same! I don't believe in insulin spikes, but I like CARBS and fast repletion, hence why I recommend Carb 10: https://www.facebook.com/MarcLobliner/videos/1378508545571942/


It doesn't, that's a misguided thought. Carbs are biphasic with the insulin response, where as protein is acute, NOT the same! I don't believe in insulin spikes, but I like CARBS and fast repletion, hence why I recommend Carb 10: https://www.facebook.com/MarcLobliner/videos/1378508545571942/