counting vegetables
Do you need to count the calories of the vegetables you eat? Some think that vegetable as a simple carbohydrate has no impact on physical composition and that if you need it, you can eat them in large quantities without putting on fat.
Vacuum exercise for tightening waist line
Is the Vacuum exercise adequate for tightening up your waistline along with other abdominal exercises.? I have heard this exercise helps tighten up a distended stomach even if you are already lean. If it is how many reps/sets would be sufficient to add into an Ab routine?
It will help control your stomach by being able to "suck it in", but bodyfat dictates abs and genetics dictates waist size. See this:
Best exercises besides the Big 3/4
Besides the standard big 3/4 exercises (Squat, Deadlift, Bench, Overhead press) what are your favorite exercises for each muscle group excluding the big 3/4?
I have no favorites to be honest, I think every "logical" movement has its place but I am a huge fan of mostly closed chain movements and don't do many open chain movements anymore.
Stimulant ban
Since DMHA is soon to be banned in Australia do you believe that America will do the same?
It is actually a mess! Can be 30% to 90% whey--just a scam protein in most of the applications it is used in and a marketing gimmick. This is why I believe a quality isolate/concentrate blend like MTS Nutrition Machine Whey is superior to.....everything!
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