
Creatine, Whey and Kidney Failure

Jacob Rizkalla 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

Hey Marc. Sorry for this long question. I went to see a doctor for swelling in my ankles, she initially said it's because I stand on my feet all day. After a blood test, she came back and asked if I take any protein Supplements or creatine. After I told her yes, she was adamant that I discontinue taking them ASAP because my creatinine level were high and I was going to have kidney failure if I don't stop taking them. Would love to here your take since you take a lot of supplements. Thanks Marc. 



I would get a second opinion. Not only what this idiot saying is wrong, it is far from what the research proves.


I would get a second opinion. Not only what this idiot saying is wrong, it is far from what the research proves.