What's the most common injury for women in the gym, and what is the best way to prevent it?
Abby, I have seen a plethora of injuries, and they are all minimized by doing proper pillar prep and movement prep. See this:
Current data shows as long as you go intense, and near failure, BOTH yield results! Do both!
Size and work
What is the best way to eat for size when you have a job that has you constantly moving. What are some foods to eat while on the go at work with little to no time?
Eat more! Pack Epic Gains in Ziplocks and use a shaker bottle. And when off of work, get in your required daily macros!
See www.massdiet.com
Fat macros
While on keto diet, how much fat should I eat? At this point I'm still battling my own brain and forcing myself to eat more fats. I don't realize I'm not eating enough until I'm exhausted.
It should be about 80 percent of your diet. See this: https://content.tigerfitness.com/what-is-the-keto-diet/
Fish Oil Going Bad?
Lately my fish oil capsules have been a bit more stinky than usual, is there a way to know if they've gone rancid or not?
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