Infrared sauna

Curse_fitness 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

Is a de-load period crucial for gaining strength in the most optimal way?

ilie morohai 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

Carb ups

CJbear2016 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

Mass Monsters

Eddie_C 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

Hmg -pct

Curse_fitness 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2



Zac P. 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 9

How do you feel about BCAAs and when do you think they should be taken, Thank you Marc!


Is time under tension important?

Andrew 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

I had a personal training class this past semester at school where time under tension was the main focus. My professor, a former strength and conditioning coach said that time under tension is best way to promote muscle growth. I was curious as to whether or not time under tension is as important as he and many others seem to claim.

Marc Lobliner 8 years ago

I don't believe counting during the set is the way to go. The key is, go intense and lift controlled. I don't believe you can be intense when counting the time it takes to complete reps.


Ab training

Ryan 8 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

what is your preferred exercises to train your abs? Also how  frequent should you train your abs? Lastly if your at a low body fat (sub 8%) and have a good 6 pack, do you think it's better to focus on other lagging body parts rather than spend more time on training your abs if you are pressed for time? 

andy 7 years ago

Ab training is all about CORE! Goblet squats, planks and other functional movements. I do not believe crunches do much. Train them daily if you'd like--I do this with my squat everyday program seen here: https://content.tigerfitness.com/squat-every-day-rehab-health/

You should never have to purposely train abs. Your CORE lifts like deadlift and squat are more than enough!


Training frequency

Randi B 8 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 4

What's your opinion on training muscles more than once per week? Can this be effective for bringing up lagging body parts? Do you think this can potentially lead to overtraining?

andy 7 years ago

1) I think you can definitely train muscles more than once a week, depends on personal preference.

2) I do not think this will benefit you on lagging bodyparts--train every bodypart like it is lagging!

3) Overtraining is very hard to reach. Just be sure to build in 1-3 rest days per week



Zac P. 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

I've been taking your carb 10 for a month now and it has been working great and i'm going to start taking machine fuel intra-workout but for me who's someone trying to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously would it be better to drink them before my workout so I can use the carbs during my workout?