Your comments

Tough one, but I would go CeraGen by a nose hair

At your age, just make healthy food choices. Avoid fast food and eat as healthy as you can while getting in 1g protein per lb bodyweight daily

Honest, don't! Just get lean. Lower bodyfat means a less watery look! Being dehydrated is dangerous.

They are two completely different supplements that stack perfect together

There really isn't "too much" since excess will be converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis. BUT, aim for 1g per lb bodyweight daily

You will need surgery to remove this skin, there is no other way!

There are many methods, but generally 1-2x a week is preferred

It is horrible since you lack squat racks and are forced to do a lot of open chain movements, but it's better than nothing. Join a REAL gym!

What if you ate a smaller meal? Problem solved

As long as you hit macros, it makes little difference. BUT I believe eating one meal a day is not optimal at all