Your comments

Eat more! Pack Epic Gains in Ziplocks and use a shaker bottle. And when off of work, get in your required daily macros!


Current data shows as long as you go intense, and near failure, BOTH yield results! Do both!

Abby, I have seen a plethora of injuries, and they are all minimized by doing proper pillar prep and movement prep. See this:

I believe the best cardio for health is TABATA and then add in Low intensity for caloric burn. Time of day is 100% irrelevant. 

See this article on tabata:

It is possible! For the diet part see for the mass gain see

It would be possible, yes, but not as easy as a non endurance athlete. I currently help some OCR people, like Chris Wheeler ( )

There is nothing wrong with that at all!

Just aim to lose 1-2lbs a week, it will get to the fat sooner or later! see

I stack Machine Motion and Ethitech Nutrition Fish Oil. I also SQUAT DAILY. Read this:

Less than a week! This is why you need to adjust regularly. See