Your comments

Hey Sir, 

Pillar prep is great, and BE SURE to do adequate planks and goblet squats and focus on the VALSALVA maneuver during heavy lifts and great form!

I am not a fan. I want to now EXACTLY what I am taking and that is why MTS Nutrition doesn't use prop blends!

According to some data, it actually PREVENTS muscle wasting!

YES IT DOES! Just aim to decrease the assistance until you don't need any!

I like to pyramid up in weight. Assuming you do 150 for 8 reps:

45 (bar) x 20

95 x 15

135 x 10

150 x 8 for 4 sets. 

Once this gets easy RAISE THE WEIGHT!

DO NOT RUN! Do bike or stepmill. Or hill sprints are great.

Running is HARSH! See a movement specialist if too much but you just need to train through and rehab as you go. See this:

What injury? That's a new thing here LOL

I would at least separate to morning and evening. Try the most and if too much, scale back!

I have trained with Dorian.

You're not doing that much. I wouldn't worry about it. If recovery becomes an issue, cut back. As I said, it is highly individual. MMA guys train 8+ hours a day!