Your comments

I would make SURE you drink adequate water and eat ample veggies like broccoli. Hunger is something you have to learn to deal with! Also, a controlled carb diet might help curtail cravings.

This is very common. You can also overload with increased reps and/or volume. Weight isn't the only variable you can increase!

It's just what happens. The more you gain the more it slows down. All you can do is GO HARD and fight for every pound of lean mass. You had what is called newbie gains and those cannot last forever!

You need to do pillar prep and mobility work and focus on form! Check this out:

You are probably just laying on it. I would experiment with different sleeping positions and if it persists, see a specialist

He is a lying piece of trash who get commission to sell EAS. Another reason GNC is failing 

16% is PLENTY low. Try not to bulk over 22-25%. 

The answer is what you feel comfortable. Too many carbs make some drowsy. The key is, experiment and see what YOU perform best with. My standard recommendation pre is:

25g MTS Whey

25g Carb 10

Pump doesn't mean much for gains. As long as you are training them equally, and with proper form, don't worry about it!

Keep them moisturized and honestly, don't grow so fast!