
DO we really need to load phase in Creatine ? and is it better before/after OR both?

PaigesMMADad 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

DO we really need to load phase in Creatine ?   and is it better before/after OR both?


Moderate cardio after high intensity weight training workut

Ben Mauceri 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

I do understand and believe HIT cardio is best for fat loss and saving muscle.  My question; Is a moderate steady state cardio session good for fat loss AFTER a high intensity weight trading workout since the weight training workout already began the metabolism process.  Thanks Marc! Ben Mauceri, Charlotte NC 


Nutrient Driver

Matt 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1


What separates Nutrient Driver from some of the other nutrient partitioners on the market? What makes it better why should we buy it instead.


Highly branched cyclic dextrin

Eric Olmstead 7 years ago updated by Marc Lobliner 7 years ago 1

Do you believe in the hype for highly branched cyclic dextrin?

I've done some research on hbcd and believe it is a promising supplement.  But I have a few problems with it.  #1 is the cost seems awfully high.  #2 is there is no third party method of testing for hbcd ( as far as I know).  I would love to hear your thoughts on its efficacy and if you plan on using hbcd in an MTS product in the future.  

Thank you for all the time you put in to answering questions.