Your comments

Generally speaking, if you squat you train everything, so there is no set rule! But I would say 48hrs, or every other day, is fine

I believe you're talking about aerobic and anaerobic. You would target them by doing things that tap into that. Aerobic means your body uses fat and glucose for energy and oxygen is present. Anaerobic means oxygen isn't as much of a factor and glucose is the preferred energy source (not accounting for post exercise burn, which is another story). So aerobic is something like jogging, anaerobic is lifting weights for lower rep ranges like 3-6 rep training 

Ambrosia Ritual AM will help give you the benefits of ketones without the ketogenic diet BUT I do not feel the keto diet will benefit you. See

Healthy diet and plenty of water...and perhaps Overtraining solution. But CNS needs REST

Deload weeks help as does switching up exercises. We all will plateau and have to cope with stagnation

It might not be depending on the person. If needed, add in extra LISS

Bob, it's all an attempt to balance, but we will never be perfect. When with your family, be WITH THEM. When working, WORK. Focus on the task at hand

I would just change your lifestyle and lose it. See