Your comments

It's possible, but not optimal.

To gain see

to lose see

The better option is 2 scoops machine fuel sipped during training. Whey is bound amino acids, it won't work like BCAA


Machine Greens

Machine Fuel


Peak Physicor


That is a start!

It doesn't, both companies work together 

None, I would rather train with my wife

It exists, but to what extent we do not know. Mainly the body knows the movements and has been there before, so in theory you can get results back faster than starting at square one

I would be simple and have...

Drop Factor


Machine Fuel

And add in some health supplements like Machine Greens and Nektar if desired. And for FOOD, MTS Whey and Macrolution

None of these are hepatoxic, they are actually GOOD for the body!!