Your comments
This is used mainly in horses and safety in humans is not proven at the moment
Like anything else, 1-2x a week for 4-8 sets. Reps can vary like any other muscle group. Calves are VERY genetic!
Here is a good program:
I would work on core strength and pillar prep. See this:
Also work on planks, GOBLET squats and other functional closed chain movements
I recommend getting 30g-50g a day. If you need a supplement to hit that, take it!
I honestly would focus on tracking on the big open chain movements and just go INTENSE on the sissy ones!
It is an MLM company and they have layer of people to pay--it is also a crap product in my opinion! We don't play people like MLM.
No comparison, read the ingredients. Macrolution destroys that garbage
If you fail you fail, but I see no issue with this intensity technique just use it wisely and not on everything!
I have and you just need to stay focused and come back BETTER THAN EVER!
Yessir, overREACHING! Go to 4 days for a while and recover, at least 4-5 weeks. See this:
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It would be extremely uncomfortable. Just aim for 50g fiber per day or around that