Your comments

It might help free up some test, like Insurgent, but TRT is going to handle the test

I don't see any benefit. I would eat protein/drink whey and have BCAA like Machine Fuel during training

This should be fine--IF IT WORKS FOR YOU! Like anything, things vary per individual and lifestyle

I would work for a gym so you can get clients. As for being an online coach, unfortunately that has more to do with popularity than qualifications.

Honestly, keep calories higher and it will compensate for the increased cardio to help you make gains!

I cannot recommend them to minors legally, please talk to your parents

See your doctor and get bloodwork. If low, he will refer you to an endo

I don't think it is needed, but a week off every 8-12 weeks from stimulants is not a bad thing

It isn't a bad method if you enjoy it

You can! Fat can blunt appetite