Your comments

Just eat more--he will catch up sooner or later

Insurgent and Barracuda will not cause gyno and have anti-e built in just in case

This is a medical question, have you talked to your doctor?

I see no reason why you cannot have CLASH year round

you should always train your core but DIET AND OVERALL TRAINING IS KEY! See for a complete program

Honestly, just train and maximize what you do, supplements will be the same regardless of age of the male. Here is my list:

--Creatine Monohydrate (take 5g, every day, before training on days you lift) and Beta Alanine at 3g (or buy a preworkout with both like MTS Nutrition CLASH --BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) 14g DURING TRAINING or 2 scoops Machine Fuel --Fish Oil, enough caps to get 3-4g epa/dha daily (any time of day with food): I recommend EthiTech Nutrition --Vitamin D3, 5,000 IU (any time of day with food)

--MTS Nutrition Drop Factor

--MTS Nutrition Whey to meet protein needs

--MTS Nutrition Macrolution for a COMPLETE, EASY MEAL

--MTS Nutrition Machine Greens + Multi --MTS Nutrition Machine UPTAKE Probiotic/Digestive Enzyme

--MTS Nutrition Machine Motion

--MTS Nutrition Vasky

--MTS Nutrition TYRANT

--MTS Nutrition Barracuda PLUS Insurgent

--Ambrosia Overtraining Solution and Nektar

--Ambrosia RITUAL AM

It depends on level of training. Beginners should stick to a program to adapt and improve. Advanced can go by feel and use code marclobliner for 5% off

Here is mine: 

That is intramuscular glycogen, and you should be aiming to lose 1-2lbs a week. See for a great plan