Your comments

CORE! Work on things like Goblet Squats, Planks and Deadlifts

Just extra caution for the FDA--you can take it if overweight since it is just a greens supplement

I don't believe intermittent fasting is a good way to eat and am not an expert on it so I am not the person to ask 

Whatever you prefer--I do them on their own day since they are such an important lift!

Lose weight slowly and don't go below 6% bodyfat. See 

It depends on the person, but 8-12% seems to be a sweet spot!

No, Matthew Liller just turned pro as a natural!

It is all very independent, some need 5 some need 8...6-8 is generally the sweet spot.

ZMA is a hoax

Melatonin is OKAY!

MTS Sleep Aid coming soon!

The period is there for a reason, and I do not think this is necessarily unhealthy, but not optimal.