Skipping leg day to train arms??
I usually skip leg day, but sometimes I don't. When I got legs twice a week I don't get too sore, but when I skip and do squats after a week I get REALLY fucking sore. Do you have something I can do to be able to walk properly an hour after training?
Related to this question, can I train triceps 2 times a week then 2 more times during shoulder and chest presses in the same week even when they're sore? My goal is body building and getting bigger arms, so does training when sore hurt me or is the extra volume a good thing? I've been lifting for a year now, but I've only started focusing on body building/ higher volume workouts for about 4 months.
NEVER skip leg day--and get used to it by squatting DAILY--see this:
I don't feel doing more will lead to more gains. Train every body part as a weak point and they will grow as your genetics allow.
ab training
are there any benefits to directly training your abs via cable crunches leg raises. I'm looking to get a strong core but I would like to know if training core will actually help or not.
the pump
What is the purpose of "the pump" and why is it needed. does getting a pump help build muscle.
Already lost 40lbs . What are some next steps to take
Already made some gain and lost 40lbs. Whats the next stage? Keep on with the same plan? Add more advanced workouts?
Depends on where you are at and where you want to be. Check out for a great diet to keep you making progress!
Over training or not
Marc, you advocate that over training is nearly impossible to accomplish for the regular person, novice, or immediate weight lifter, but you also advocate using Ambrosia's Over Training Solution. Could you please elaborate on whether an "Average Joe Lifter" should use that product for any beneficial needs, gains, or etc.if they truly won't ever reach the true state of over training. Thank you for your time.
Everyone should use it for immune health and recovery. While the state of overtraining is nearly impossible to reach, speeding recovery and promoting immune health and nutrient absorption will help you recover faster to reach your goals and train harder!
Hard and Heavy for Larger Body Parts?
Regardless of natty/enhanced status, would you say there is a definitive benefit for training larger body parts, (i.e.- back, chest,) , in "hard and heavy" style of training focusing more on weight and frequency, rather than volume-based? I've noticed better gains and quality of muscle from said "hard and heavy" workouts, especially in those two areas listed above.
Whether natural or not, OVERLOAD is key. This will entail going hard and heavy, both relative terms. Aim to progress each and every workout.
Keeping up cut progress and the intensity of your training
Signs or Symptoms that your training and nutrition during a cut has moved your body into starvation mode? How can you continue the progress of your cut while keeping your body from a state that is injury prone?
There are no real signs, but starvation mode is a debatable subject unless truly starving. Sporadic refeeds, or as you have carb ups for races, will help!
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