
Medical needs meet fitness goals

Nicole Farrell 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

how to find a health practitioner that knows an athletes body? Noticing a great deal of hormonal issues leading to adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. Even though I have been to numerous doctors I'm lead into a black hole. How did you find the perfect fit to get to the ultimate healthy you?


Will you be releasing any new flavors of CLASH?

Kyle Lopez 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

What do you do to maintain healthy stress levels/what do you do to manage stress?

frankvirgulto66 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

Being the owner is a variety of businesses brings on its own set of challenges. Add that to your social media and family responsibilities, and you have enough stress to collapse a house. 

Being someone who works a high stress, corporate environment, I am looking for any advice you have on dealing with this. Any particular books to read, people to listen to, activities to participate in that you found helpful? Thanks!

Marc Lobliner 7 years ago

Just put it all in perspective and realize you cannot please everyone. Also, training is my therapy, use it to your advantage! Also, Fish oil can help with depression and Tyrant helps with cortisol levels. Above all, a positive mindset is key.


What is your real gear cycle. FOR REAL?!

Daniel Tapia 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2


Marc Lobliner 7 years ago

TRT doctor prescribed. Sorry, wish I has something cooler to say!


Do you advocate reverse dieting? If so, what is your experience with it?

James Johnson 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

Microdosing Psychedelic Shrooms (Psilocybin) for Strength & Cognitive Benefits

LJxn 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2


I know this may be a relatively controversial question, but given all the data that's come out lately about the benefits of microdosing psychedelic substances such as psilocybin mushrooms, I'm wondering : what are your thoughts on this? Could this have benefits for things like strength increases, cognitive benefits, mood, etc.?

Thank you


Do you put any stock into eating for your blood type?

matrisciano 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 3

If you had the opportunity to buy another top company would you and would you ever sell MTS

Alex 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2
Marc Lobliner 7 years ago

1) Depends on the situation.

2) For now we are focusing on helping our customers. Selling MTS is not in my mind right now.


Can everyone be shredded?

Marcelo 7 years ago updated by andy 7 years ago 2

I have never been obese but definitely have ranged from 10% to maybe 30% body fat at different times of my life.

I'm 40, I have tracked my macros and following all the dieting principles you preach for over an year.

In this period I dieted down twice and I had no problems losing 0.5 - 1 lbs per week during my cuts but at one point I just feel like I'm losing weight but my belly isn't shrinking at the same speed. Not talking about extra skin, just fat.

I wonder if being 40 and have been at 30% at same point of my life for some time makes it impossible for me to get shredded.

Thanks! Your videos are great!