Your comments

Very few are, and even then it isn't huge money. See this:        Lui Marco Hit Hard by YouTube     

I think no matter if fasted or not, Machine Fuel is NEEDED intraworkout for optimal results. They are very effective.

Yes, it absolutely can BUT this is not a crutch. Please consult a physician if you have any medical conditions.

That probably won't do much, since the body doesn't work acutely like that. Just keep training legs hard and train them 1-2x a week. 

Squat daily for 4-6 weeks to get them some extra volume then switch to another program that hits legs 2x a week. See the squat daily program here:

Of course you can, it's just protein and protein is also added formula!

There is no timeline for "too fat" and "lean enough". Bulk slowly, gaining 1-2lbs a MONTH and stay UNDER 15% body fat and cut until you are happy with how lean you are. It is a transition of gradually adding in calories and not just a drastic change. See for dieting and for bulking.

Caffeine addiction is around 4 days. A week off will make it all "new" again. That is off of caffeine and ANY stimulants of any kind. ALL caffeine.

Also CLASH has Teacrine in it which will not have this "desensitization" effect that caffeine only has. After your break try CLASH!

1) Taking it with every meal won't hurt, but full dosing is two meals a day. Around training with carbs is optimal.

2) HDL can be raised via healthy fats like DHA and monounsaturated fat and cardio+exercise support healthy lipid profiles. Also look into Ambrosia Nektar.

There are a LOT--just stay tuned! Just launched Aqua Shed this week

See a doctor. This is why we don't mess with hormones!