
Kids just starting out

Robert Knick 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 4

Marc I have a 14 year old son who plays travel baseball and he's one hell of an athlete but he wants to start lifting with me in the gym. Honestly I would love that but my wife & I are a little worried his body may not be ready. I would definitely have him lifting light weight with strict form & good clean reps. We do just about everything together except working out so I really want to make this happen but the safety of his health is what's most important.



His body is ready, it has been since he was born IF you know progressions and how to train kids. If you don't know how to do this, find a specialist who can help.


His body is ready, it has been since he was born IF you know progressions and how to train kids. If you don't know how to do this, find a specialist who can help.

Thanks Marc. Lee Priest just made a video basically saying the same as you. Now I feel much better with the same info coming from guys suck as you & Lee with so much experience between the two.