

Jason 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 3

I've dieted down to about 6% body fat, according to the Jackson and Pollack 3 point caliper system, but my abs just don't seem to show as well as I would like them to. 

I workout my abs about 3 times a week. Am I working them out too much or not enough? What's the best way to get those sweet looking six pack abs? 

Image 3



2 things

1) You don't have much muscle in your abs, you need to build it with Goblet Squats, Deadlifts, etc.

2) You are not 6%, looks more like 8-9%

You need to build muscle and lose more fat. I would reverse diet, LIFT HARD and gain 2lb a month using www.massdiet.com. Once around 12% or so bodyfat, cut down. This should look a lot more crisp than what you have now. For a good diet see www.dropfactorbook.com 


2 things

1) You don't have much muscle in your abs, you need to build it with Goblet Squats, Deadlifts, etc.

2) You are not 6%, looks more like 8-9%

You need to build muscle and lose more fat. I would reverse diet, LIFT HARD and gain 2lb a month using www.massdiet.com. Once around 12% or so bodyfat, cut down. This should look a lot more crisp than what you have now. For a good diet see www.dropfactorbook.com 

Awesome! Thanks for the direction and advice!