
Realistic Goals for 36 years old

ccerrito1 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

Hi Marc, I just turned 36 years old. I want to get serious about gains and success with fitness Having my son who just turned 4 really lit a fire under me to turn it up a notch and go from recreational gym user to serious fitness person. Do I have to temper my expectations and accept that I won't be as successful because of my age?



A beginner is a beginner! Start a realistic program and temper your goals. Some blueprints are:

Fat Loss: www.dropfactorbook.com

Mass Gain: www.massdiet.com

I am 36 as well and still making gains!


A beginner is a beginner! Start a realistic program and temper your goals. Some blueprints are:

Fat Loss: www.dropfactorbook.com

Mass Gain: www.massdiet.com

I am 36 as well and still making gains!