
Benefits of training and not eating enough for size.

kylelowd357 8 years ago updated by andy 8 years ago 2

I eat 4 meals a day aprox. 50g protein 50g carbs per meal. Currently counting post shake as 1 of the 4 meals also with the same 50 50 ratio. All complex carbs and lean clean protein. Also 2 to 3 snacks. Mixed nuts, cottage cheese. Or protein bars. Avg. About 2750 cals. Per day.I weigh 180 and have dropped some and gained size but just came off my first cycle of test as well. Consuming this amount of food and intense training I know I won't gain much size...but what are the benefits? Any at all? Please and thank you, much appreciated, Kyle L.



Exercise is healthy, and it prevents many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, etc. You also might build some muscle...so essentially the same benefits as eating in a surplus


Exercise is healthy, and it prevents many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, etc. You also might build some muscle...so essentially the same benefits as eating in a surplus